Core Function

Card-related functions for activation, PIN management, and retrieving card details.

Widget NamePurpose
activate_cardActivates a new card.
set_pinAllows users to set a new PIN for their card.
get_pinRetrieves the PIN, which is masked after a set time for security.
show_panDisplays the card number (PAN) securely within the widget.
cvv_onlyShows only the CVV code for authentication purposes.

Widget for Updating PIN

widget = {
    config: {
        token: "your-secure-token",
        main: "get_pin"

Widget for PIN Display

widget = {
    config: {
        token: "your-secure-token",
        main: "get_pin"

Widget for PAN Display

widget = {
    config: {
        token: "your-secure-token",
        main: "show_pan"

Widget for CVV Display

widget = {
    config: {
        token: "your-secure-token",
        main: "cvv_only"