Account Balance

A Card on Qolo platform doesn't have balance by itself. Instead, it accesses the balance of one or more Qolo Accounts.

In order to fetch the balance available in an account, clients may call'Search Wallet' API or 'Retrieve Account' API. The 'Search Wallet' API can take various input parameters (to search on) including the card proxy, and responds with the entire wallet object including accounts and their balances.

There are three types of balances on Qolo platform –

  1. Ledger balance: Ledger balance is the account balance. It is the total funds in the account, and includes amount authorized for a transaction, but not yet settled with the merchant.
  2. Available balance: Available balance is the 'open to buy' balance of the account. It identifies the amount available to the user for transactions.
  3. Suspense balance: Suspense balance represents amounts pending credit to the account. These are funds still waiting to be cleared, before making them available to the account holder.
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